Monday, October 25, 2010

What could it be set to when cut of your "tat" swells(?) up?

Sometimes it can itch, but it seems by premonition that part of my tattoo is swollen . Kind of close to in the outlines of the drawing.What could it be set to when cut of your "tat" swells(?) up?
If you simply got the tattoo its commonplace. It itches because its healing. Do not score it! It needs to scab & agree to it fall sour, no picking at it, before it heal completely. Make sure you keep putting lotion on it to hang on to it moisturized so that its not itchy. Its probably dried out. And about the tattoo anyone raised/swollen the skin stays that way even after it heal. Its normal, mine is still raise like if it be brail on my skin. I think it have to do with putting the ink below your skin to get the tattoo. Basically you made a scar lower than your skin where the ink is so it stays raise up.
that's pretty common for a fresh tatoo, should not happen surrounded by an old established tatoo.
i would acquire that checked. hopefully you haven't developed an allergy to the ink or worse blood poisoning. get that checked prompt.
I have one i.e. 20 y/o and sometimes it will swell/welp up, and itch. No one seems to know why. If its is clean, get it checked, could be infection or allergy.

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