Monday, October 25, 2010

What cause the little white spots on your skin & is at hand a cure?

What cause the little white spots on your skin & is at hand a cure?
My son has these white spots and I hold taken him to the MD for this and we were told that it is a skin fungus and be given a cream to use after every shower.
They are white heads, you can pop them or you can turn to a dermatologist who specializes in skin perfectionism. I had one right underneath my eye, I finally (after 6 years)poped it open( the longer you wait to pop them the harder to pop they get) Use a sterile pin and pop and squeeze the white puss out of it. I poped mine 3 weeks ago, they do NOT come vertebrae!
I hope this helps!
Pigmentation harm, usually caused by too much sun.

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