Friday, October 22, 2010

What cause corns on the toes, why do they grow vertebrae when you profile or cut them down or cut them rotten?

What cause corns on the toes, why do they grow vertebrae when you profile or cut them down or cut them rotten?
Your shoes don't fit right. If you're already wearing sensible shoes, then try wearing the corn wipe all the time so it won't come subsidise. I know, they hurt like a bugger!
Corns are cause by a number of things such as poor fitting shoes or sometimes a physical condition, resembling a foot deformity.
Basically a corn is a callus to be exact formed when something, like your shoe, rubs against your foot. It grows rear because you haven't stopped whatever is putting the pressure against the foot. A callus returns to protect the foot.
If you cut it yourself, you risk infection.
See a doctor if you can. Until later, immediately find out what is cause the pressure on your foot! Change your shoe (or shoe style b/c high heels can lead to corns) or even your sock if it rubs.

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