Friday, October 22, 2010

What cause Hives?

What cause Hives?
Hives are raised, itchy welt on the surface of the skin caused by hypersensitivity to a substance. When the body encounter a substance that it is allergic or sensitive to, it releases histamines and other chemicals into the bloodstream. As a result, the capillaries and tiny vein leak. The leak fluid gets trapped surrounded by the skin and lining membranes, which cause the localized swelling seen next to hives. The welts, which are also call wheals, may remain small, or may spread large plenty to join together. With hives, the center of the ridge blanches, or turns white, when pressed.
When hives occur around the obverse, particularly around the orifice and eyes, they are called angioedema. Angioedema may also take place on the hands, foot and throat. Hives can come and go suddenly, repeatedly without any adjectives cause. It is estimated that up to 70% of hives budge undiagnosed as to the cause, because they can appear hours after exposure to the irritant.
an allergic response
its possible you might be allergic to certain foods or drink and perchance stress is involved.
everything and everything. give it around 2 hours and if it doesn't get better consult a physician
Bees *LOL*
An allergic hypersensitivity. I used to be allergic to nuts. Out grew the allergy.
being allergic to some article.
This is the American term for what we beckon urticaria, or allergy rash. It is typically red, blotchy, fluctuant and exceptionally itchy.

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