Monday, October 25, 2010

What consquenses are at hand for man too skinny?

What consquenses are at hand for man too skinny?
hypothermia which will connote sensitivity to cold
preoccupation with food
curls loss
amenorrhea (along with difficulty conceiving and carrying fetus full term)
lanugo (fine mane growth on face)
chest pain
edema or bloating
cardiac arrhythmia
electrolyte imbalance
no periods=feinting=weakness=no body growth=death
Skinny because of malnurishment + bad skin, desperate hair, not plenty energy, and DEATH
besides the above,
if you dont acquire enough drive through food, your body will shut down your reproductive organs because you dont need them to survive on a hours of daylight to day principle. this can become dangerous because once they are shut down, at hand is a very big risk of permanent make worse.
If your definition of skinny means adjectives yourself and being clinically underweight, in that are many repercussions. It is sick for your development if you are malnutritioned. Your muscle, bones, quill, teeth, and all of your bodily organ systems will suffer from famine. If you eat a well-balanced diet and are hygienic, but skinny, then touch blessed. Being thin is possibly within your gene pool or may depend on the amount of your physical activity.
I dunno, but my first thought is profoundly of overweight people are getting p/o'd right presently
if you're intentionally doing it, there are like mad of mental costs... i should know, i was hospitalized for anorexia and it's taken me 2 years to get better. so just stop if you're adjectives yourself. it's not worth it. i ruined my life, but thank God it's adjectives back together immediately.

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