Friday, October 22, 2010

What can you put on a pug to win it to stop itching?

My pug has be itching constantly. She's scratched her belly raw. She's on flea prevention so it's not fleas. We bathed her surrounded by oatmeal bath to try to abet. Is there anything we can put on it to soothe her and stop the itching?What can you put on a pug to win it to stop itching?
If you can totally rule out fleas (one bite can bring an all-over allergic reaction), next look at her environment. Has anything changed lately? New carpet, different laundry/cleaning products, etc.?
Once you rule that out, check the ingredients on her dog food. High percentage of corn, wheat and other fillers often trigger allergic reaction. Look for meat-based foods with vegetables or rice. Many brands submit lamb and rice or chicken and rice blends that dogs seem to do very well with. Adding a moment or two oil to her food will backing with her skin if she's not totally overweight as pugs can tend to be.
Since it's her belly that's raw, and not over her hindquarters, I'm apt to think it might be a response to bites. A free phone call to your vet might be contained by order to determine if your flea prevention program is mediocre. If you're using Hartz in singular, please talk to your vet.
You may want to try benadryl pills (depending on the size of your dog, any a half or whole). Our elder pug also gets pretty itchy and the vet suggested it be allergies - her recommendation be the pills rather than a cream or rub.

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