Friday, December 2, 2011

What diet should a pre-diabetic creature own contained by establish to lessen the risk of getting full blown diabetes?

What diet should a pre-diabetic creature own contained by establish to lessen the risk of getting full blown diabetes?
A diet of fruits, vegetables and whole grain..
some protein and milk products..
in other words devour healthy!
Take a look at the Dr Barry Sears Zone Diet.
In my humble judgment and as a patient near type 2 diabetes, this sounds to be the closest to a common sense approach to consumption that can be implemented for a lifetime minus making extreme changes from the rules our grandmothers qualified us..
With kind regard
David Edge
The normal practice is cut back intake of sugar n carbo, etc.. Tht applies for 'prevention mode'. How do you reduce/remove the glucose already in your blood? How do you prevent more glucose surrounded by your blood? Answer...Gano. It's a type of mushroom.
The polysaccharides in gano protects the insulin producing cell in the pancreas from sabotage and have hypoglycemic effect too. I am a gano consultant and hold treated many near wonderful results. No side effects at all. The gano I use is cultured from Malaysia and distributed surrounded by 85 countries.
no added sugar ,and something like the gi diet.if you r within uk drink aloe vera with the form food manufacturers sap drink through a straw and rinse mouth with river well after as its sharp.u can buy lots of books on gi diet

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