Friday, December 2, 2011

What could the following symptoms indicate? The prevalent one is swollen lymph nodes lower than my chin and on my collar.

I've been seeing my primary meticulousness physician for the past 5 1/2 months for swollen lymph nodes underneath my chin and down the sides of my neck. I'm seeing an oncology specialist tomorrow for the first time, but I needed to see if anyone has experienced the following symptoms: swollen nodes as mentioned, technically constant congestion (mostly in antenna - stuffy and runny all the time ... some white yellow mucus), and itchy skin (mostly my shins ... it can go and get really bad, especially at night). I have a CBC done in precipitate Feb. and it indicated high EOS level (14%) but otherwise everything else was middle-of-the-road. Any ideas?What could the following symptoms indicate? The prevalent one is swollen lymph nodes lower than my chin and on my collar.
Are you sure your Dr. doesn't enjoy your lymph nodes confused with your thyroid?
how more or less tonsilitis? with this though along next to lots of infections your white blood count would be elevated. did they do a strep swab?

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