Friday, December 2, 2011

What do i enjoy?

In the past month and a moment or two ive been getting sick for buts singular lasting for 12-24hrs and it go away . my symtoms are feeling really cold achey bones for a moment bit of a runny nose and my frontage feels similar to its gonna turn into a tomatoe!
any suggestions is the flu or the cold?What do i enjoy?
You better check with your doctor. It could be a virus or allergic hypersensitivity or anything. He/she will able to back you.
it sounds like you own to go to the Doctor.
a cold...the flu is hell!
Sounds close to some sort of allergic reaction. Have you checked your body for insect bites such as spider and or ticks?
Sounds resembling the cold.
go to the doctor dude
It could be so lots different things. Do you have swollen glands, disorientation, etc. The best thing to do is turn to
Then click on check symptoms. From there it will guide you to know if and how soon you should see your doctor. It's a great resource. Feel better soon!

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