Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What can I do to stop itching?

This is a problem and it's driving myself and my fiance crazy. We live together so naturally we sleep within the same bed and I am constantly moving around because I am itching. I cart a bath every dark before bed so that's not the problem. I use Vaseline intensive keeping lotion for sensitive skin every night. I don't know what the problem is or how to fix it. I itch throughout the time but I don't notice it as discouraging as when I am trying to sleep. HELP?? Thanks.What can I do to stop itching?
Water, water, sea.your skin needs to be hydrated. I also recommend Eucerin, it's a bit greasy but after you put it on you're not going to want to cut into it.
Try Aveeno or an oatmeal bath and drink more hose down
Try cortisone cream, it worked for me when nothing else did, not even aveeno, it cause a worse itching sensation for me. Keep it by your bed so when you itch you can reapply.
You could be allergic to the laundry detergent, dryer sheets, or Downy (if its used), that your clothes and sheets are washed contained by.
My friend's leg ALWAYS itches. Sometimes he scratches it so much that his leg starts bleeding! He go and bought some geranium oil, and he say it workds awsome... maybe try some of that!

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