Tuesday, October 19, 2010

What can i do for sunburn?

my sunburn hurts sooo bad i already put solicane on it what else can i doWhat can i do for sunburn?
try something near aloe in it
Use some type of lotion or tablets or go to the doctor!
aloe vera. Just keep hold of reapplying thats what I do. Hope it gets better :)
i dont know how true this is but i hear that taking a hot wash cloth and putting it over the burn will evenually nick the burn away. i am not sure why but i know some people that hold tried it and it worked.
Aloe Vera lotion works pretty well.
You can do it the nautural path and put aloe vera gel
I have be burnt frequent times. What I advise you to do is to rob an allergy pill every day. This help to keep the histamine
below control. A sunburn flares up histamines under your skin and cause the itch and the heat.(as very well as the actual burn.) You also need to purloin Ibuprofen for the pain. Stay away from the solicane. This solely irritates the skin. You need to be taking cool showers and drink tons of hose down to replenish the fluids that you lost. Also get a spray bottle and imbue it with cool river...(place the bottle in your fridge) sit within front of a fan and spray yourself down every partially hour or so. Also sleep naked next to only a sheet and enjoy a fan blowing on you.
I touch for you..I had a really bleak burn two years ago from staying at the lake for 11 hours lacking any sun protection. Next time you go out, you stipulation to at least put on a sun peak of 45 spf.
Please do not place lotions on your burn. This only contains the fry in and it will burn resembling hell.regular aloe vera is fine, but do not use the one with twinge killers. Like I said the solicane surrounded by it irritates the skin.

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